Removes interproximal tooth mass from flat or curved surfaces.
May be used to produce additional intra-arch space, open contact points, recontour restorations or remove overhanging fillings.
Available with frame and reusable aluminum oxide cutter blades.
M-D Reducer kit Includes, 1 Frame with 5 Fine & 5 Coarse Blades Double Sided only.
1. For tight contacts, hand-hold frame and pull blade through contact point to create enough space to position cutter without jamming.
2. To cut flat planes, hold handle steady in horizontal plane. Do not flex blade against interproximal surfaces.
3. To recontour, press laterally on handle to flex blade around interproximal of tooth and gently rock horizonatally to produce a rounded surface.
4. The same procedures can be used for anerior or posterior teeth.
5. Site of enamel reduction can be cntrolled by using single or double -sided blades.
6. Coarse blades are normally used for cutting while fine blades are used for polishing or for opening up tight contacts.
7. Avoid striking opposing incisors with frame. Work with patient's mouth wide open , and protect moving end of frame from hard or soft tissue with finger.
8. Make full inciso-gingival cuts - do not create gingival shelves.